This policy applies to customers who have immigrated to Canada within the last 60 months, and are looking for an insured mortgage but do not have established Canadian Credit Bureau history.

For customers who have worked or studied in Canada, have applied for permanent residence, and already have a Canadian credit history, our regular policy will apply.

Properties allowed:

  1. Purchase only • Maximum 2 units where one unit is owner occupied principal residence
  2. New Construction
  3. Resale

Properties not allowed:

  1. Insured Business for Self
  2. Cottage
  3. Second Homes
  4. Rental Properties
  5. Non-owner occupied properties

Borrower Qualifications

  1. Must have immigrated/relocated to Canada within last 60 months.
  2. 3 months minimum full time employment in Canada.
  3. Borrowers transferred to Canada under relocation programs are considered on an exception basis.
  4. Guarantor’s Income Confirmation required (if applicable).
  5. Required Documentation
  6. Purchase and Sale Agreement including all addendums, and MLS listing (if applicable).
  7. Standard income confirmation.
  8. Confirmation of Landed Immigrant Status (Permanent Residency Card).
  9. Preceding 12 month history of rent paid in Canada and 12 month history of 2 regular obligations (e.g. monthly).
  10. Proof of Borrower Meeting Rental and Regular Obligations:

Date the tenant moved in,Monthly rent amount, Amenities included in the rent, Payment history

Copy of bill payment confirmation from bank statement/paid invoices

     Mandatory: Payments must be timely. No late payments.

  1.     obligations, LTV is limited to 90% and the following may be accepted:

 Total Debt Service (TDS)

Gross Debt Service (GDS)

Down Payment


New to Canada – Conventional

This policy applies to customers who have immigrated to Canada within the last 60 months, and who cannot provide confirmation of income meeting TD conventional income confirmation guidelines but otherwise demonstrate a strong profile.

Note: For customers who have worked or studied in Canada, have applied for permanent residence, and already have a Canadian credit history, our regular policy should apply.


Product Purpose Property



Properties in ONT:


 Borrower Qualifications

Temporary Residents

Applicants under these guidelines will typically be employed by established, well respected companies who are being relocated to Canada for a specific period of time for work purposes.

Product Purpose Property




Amortization –

Maximum of 25 years where the LTV is greater than 80%.

Debt Servicing

Maximum GDS Ratio

Maximum TDS Ratio

Credit Bureau

Borrower Eligibility


Applicants under these guidelines do not reside in Canada.

Maximum exposure of 3 properties per non-resident investor.

Product Purpose Property




Appraisal Requirements


Debt Servicing

Maximum GDS Ratio:

Maximum TDS Ratio:

Satisfactory international credit bureau OR satisfactory Letter of Reference from Bank in country of origin where customers currently have borrowings.

Income Confirmation – Standard income confirmation is required.

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